Human Resources

  • Jeanne Tedrow, President & CEO, North Carolina Center for Nonprofits

  • Nonprofit leaders often tout their own accomplishments and capabilities and those of the teams and organizations they lead. Rarely do they openly share their lessons learned, especially since many of them come from failures and setbacks – painful experiences that they try to keep hidden from public view, and even from themselves.

  • Do you know how to argue in the right way? Conflict in the workplace is natural – even necessary. Colleagues who challenge one another’s thinking tend to consider a richer range of options, which ultimately leads to better business decisions. This webinar, based on research by Kathleen M. Eisenhardt, Jean L. Kahwayjy, and L.J. Bourgeois published in Harvard Business Review, reveals the six tactics managers can use to ensure that healthy conflict doesn’t turn personal and unproductive, focusing on conflict, decision-making, leadership, and managing people.

  • Humans@Work: How to Successfully Tackle HR Challenges, a white paper published by JER HR Group, includes six separate articles written by HR professionals that cover:

  • COVID-19 is not going away quickly. Some form of social distancing will likely be with us through at least year-end. How can your organization adapt to this new reality and not only survive but thrive in 2020, emerging stronger with more capacity to act on your mission and raise the revenue you need? This training is especially appropriate for executive teams.

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  • Jeanne Tedrow, President & CEO, North Carolina Center for Nonprofits

    In the best of times, organizations will identify and implement best practices for human resources and personnel management. These practices evolve and adapt to meet the needs of the nonprofit as it builds, thrives, and sustains itself over time. Following these practices helps nonprofits offer our employees and volunteers an optimal working environment.

  • As a nonprofit organization, it's important to connect with people. Investing 30 minutes on two or three days a week, your nonprofit can substantially raise your organization's visibility, build your brand, and use LinkedIn's capabilities to leverage existing connections to reach a wider audience of not only the people you know, but also the people they know. Presented by Michelle Weathersby, CEO & Executive Leadership/Career Coach & Consultant of LENS Consulting Firm, this webinar will explore:

  • In the middle of a crisis, returning to “normal” feels far off. And after a mega-disruption such as COVID-19 or a devastating hurricane, many organizations need to envision a ‘new normal,’ as things will not be the way they once were. This webinar offers practical tips for getting ready for your nonprofit’s new normal. Learn what you can do today to create a path to your organization’s future.

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  • Transparent communication is a value that many nonprofit teams value. In times of prosperity, calm teams have plenty of time to craft thoughtful messages to stakeholders. All bets are off in a crisis: the need to be transparent remains, but time is of the essence. This webinar explores practical tips and strategies to stay on message during a crisis and focus on the most important messages and most effective methods.

  • Individuals on a nonprofit team are likely to cope and react differently to a crisis. For some, a crisis is a challenge to be conquered; they enjoy being tested, working under pressure, and the opportunity to experiment and innovate. For others, a crisis causes panic and decision paralysis; their short attention spans grow shorter and nerves are on edge. This webinar presents five strategies to equip your diverse team to weather an active or future crisis.

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