Human Resources

  • Your nonprofit's response to a crisis or bad publicity greatly affects your organization's reputation. Use this sample nonprofit crisis communications plan template to ensure that you respond promptly, accurately and confidently during an emergency, and in the hours and days that follow that crisis. (Bloomerang, 2016)

  • Get an overview of the latest federal COVID-19 relief plans – including the American Rescue Plan Act – the state budget and major legislation affecting nonprofits, and potential policy solutions that could help nonprofits during the 2021 NC legislative session.

    Watch now!

  • Conflict is more common than most people think. However, the sooner internal conflicts are addressed and resolved, the better it is for the organization. How to Handle Conflict Between a Board and an Executive Leader is provided by MissionBox to help avoid and/or resolve conflict between a Board and an Executive Leader

  • Gender Pronouns: How To's, Making Mistakes, and Taking an Active Role is provided by the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits to help create a more inclusive and equitable environment. This guide covers the following topics:

  • The COVID-19 pandemic launched essential employees into the spotlight. Suddenly, everyone from local nonprofits to massive corporations wanted to uplift these team members. For some, it was a PR tactic; for others, it was the perfect time to highlight the critical work of essential employees, often without the salaries or recognition they deserve.

  • There are different ways to be emotionally intelligent, and different situations call on us to be “agile” in our emotional intelligence, i.e. adapting to the social or emotional situation to solve the problem at hand. But sometimes we reach for the same responses out of habit, even when the situation begs us to rethink our approach. This type of reaction leaves people and organizations resistant and unprepared to solve the dynamic and diverse challenges that come our way.

  • While many organizations use the buzzwords diversity,’ ‘equity,’ and ‘inclusion’ as a value, employees can’t articulate actions by their leadership around this pivotal issue. If you want to ignite excitement and purpose around DEI at your workplace, this session will provide actionable steps you can take to spearhead change at any size organization, and share resources including a workplace checklist, tips on how to form a DEI working group, and statistics that help support your case for DEI. 

  • As President and CEO of the Raleigh Chamber, Adrienne Cole represents one of the fastest-growing regions in the U.S. by leading an 1,800 member regional business organization focused on economic development, regional mobility, government affairs, business support and community engagement. Adrienne will share an introduction to the Raleigh Chamber, her leadership philosophy, lessons learned from Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity initiatives, the impact of the global pandemic, trying new things and moving forward during times of change.

  • The CHS Alliance's 2015 HR Audit Handbook is "designed to assess the effectiveness of an organization’s human resources and people management policies and practices. Going through a HR audit enables the organization to identify areas for improvement and priority actions.

  • Cybercriminals are becoming evermore sophisticated in their attempts to infect your device or con you out of sensitive information about your organization. Login credentials to your online accounts that host financial information or data about the constituents your nonprofit serves are all valuable commodities to obtain and exploit, particularly by getting one of your staff to reveal a key piece of information when they respond to a malicious email.

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