Human Resources

  • The P's and Q's of Performance Reviews presentation and workbook covers the components of an effective performance review, factors to evaluate performance, how to differentiate performance levels, steps involved in conducting a performance appraisal discussion, and how to create an appropriate and effective development p

  • Doing good is tough work, and consensus shows that many do-gooders face more resource restraints than their private sector peers. With the stress of impressing your manager or your peers, the pressure to produce superb programs, and the weight of scrutiny from regulatory bodies, funders, and the general public, it's easy to burn out fast. 

    10 Ways to Definitely Burn Out as a Nonprofit Employee (, 2020)

  • While the emphasis of to role of vice president, finance and operations is finance, it includes responsibilities for managing a breadth of staff functions and requires an individual who is both strategic and tactical. Adapt this sample job description for your organization. (The Bridgespan Group)


  • Capacity building is not just about the capacity of a nonprofit today -- it's about the nonprofit’s ability to deliver its mission effectively now, and in the future. Capacity building is an investment in the effectiveness and future sustainability of a nonprofit. (National Council of Nonprofits)

    What is Capacity Building?

  • Worker's compensation in mandated by each state and covers expenses an employer is required to pay for injuries or illness an employee suffers at work. Under requirements by the North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Act, any incorporated nonprofit with three or more employees and/or corporate officers (includes officers on nonprofit boards, even though they are unpaid, and subcontractors without their own coverage) is required to provide workers' compensation coverage.

  • Whether it’s a consultant to facilitate organizational planning, develop a capital fundraising campaign, or help the board and staff navigate an organizational merger, professionals can often provide the expertise we all need from time to time to better manage our nonprofits. There are many considerations when hiring and engaging consultants. This guide is meant to provide you with some basic tips for hiring, interviewing, and working with consultants to ensure that your experience is productive and worthwhile.


  • Researchers have long known that happiness and good health go together. Happier people have less depression and stress, stronger immune systems, lower heart rates, and longer lives.


  • One of the most rewarding things about serving as a nonprofit board member is the opportunity it affords to help create positive change. This resource from BoardSource–11 Key Ingredients of Growth–presents 11 ingredients Billy Shore, founder and chief executive officer of Share Our Strength, identified as key to Share Our Strength’s growth and success during a difficult economic period. These ingredients include:

  • Personal development coach, mentor, and author Rosetta Thurman offers tips on how to take a vacation without feeling guilty.

    ©2013 by North Carolina Center for Nonprofit Organizations, Inc. From Common Ground, a publication of the North Carolina Center for Nonprofits.


  • "Nonprofit employers face a unique set of challenges. They are always trying to do more with less — fewer staff members, less support, less funding. A combination of these pressures can result in poor employment practices, even when one thinks they are doing 'the right thing.' Engaging in best practices with nonprofit employees will result in helping to decrease employee turnover and retain high performers. It will also help identify problem employees who might otherwise fly under the radar or be the low performing 'hot potato' that gets passed between departments."

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