Human Resources

  • Grievance Procedures and Internal Dispute Resolution - Rather than turning a deaf ear to complaints, nonprofits need to provide employees with a credible listener who will objectively review their grievance. Employees will feel fairly treated if they have had an opportunity to tell their story, and the nonprofit has the benefit of learning--outside of litigation--the details of the employee's concerns. (Nonprofit Risk Management Center)

  • Disaster and Hardship Relief for Employees: Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them addresses the federal tax-related restrictions on an employer that wishes to sponsor a fund to provide assistance to its employees in the event of disaster or financial hardship. (Robinson Bradshaw, 2017)

  • Founded in 1948, the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) is the world’s largest HR professionals membership organization devoted to human resource management. While some of its resources are only available to their members, they also offer many valuable free resources. 


  • A sample job description from HRnext for Director of Public Relations.


  • The gaps in employee skills that employers talk about the most are not technical, math, or reading problems. Instead, employers’ top concern is the lack of soft skills needed for success in almost every role. Soft skills such as planning, resolving conflicts, and handling change are just a few skills that employers are looking for in quality employees.

    © North Carolina Center for Nonprofit Organizations, Inc. From Common Ground, a publication of the N.C. Center for Nonprofits,


  • Nonprofits compete with for-profit workplaces for talented workers, so setting the right level of compensation can make the difference between attracting and retaining qualified employees or, in contrast, suffering from high turnover and/or not being able to find the hoped-for caliber of employees. (National Council of Nonprofits) 

    Compensation For Nonprofit Employees

  • Critical to succession planning and organizational resilience are systems that support skills development for board and staff. Presented here are the elements of a robust talent development culture. (CompassPoint)


  • Most procrastination-fighting techniques focus on changing your behavior: just get started, take action, any kind of action. But a recent study suggests a different approach: being kind to yourself.


  • An important aspect of any effective search strategy is the search structure, which refers to the people who will be involved in each hiring process and the roles that they will play. Developing an appropriate structure for each search will ensure that the hire is made in accordance with the needs, values, and capacity of your organization. In developing the search structure, you will want to make sure that the stages in the search process are appropriately designated. 

  • When questions about a nonprofit leader’s exceptionally high salary make the front page of the paper, we wince. A single nonprofit is being criticized for being an outlier, but it feels as if all charitable nonprofits and their values are being questioned.

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