Human Resources

  • 2020 statement of values and code of ethics for nonprofit and philanthropic organizations from Independent Sector.


  • The Annie E. Casey Foundation's report, Capturing the Power of Leadership Change: Using Executive Transition management to Strengthen Organizational Capacity, highlights the challenges associated with executive transitions and describes a model of executive management transition.

  • Without meaning to, many nonprofits put their boards on imaginary pedestals, which leaves many employees — especially new employees — unsure about how to approach board members. This compilation of FAQs helps explain the intricacies (and the benefits) of the board–staff partnership. (BoardSource)

    Board-Staff Interaction: What’s Acceptable, What's Not? You Ask, We Answer


  • This scoring sheet allows for the evaluation of the board as it relates to staff. It is a good measure of best practices and helps to pinpoint which areas need attention.
  • The board and staff responsibilities chart is meant to help guide nonprofit board and staff as they determine who’s involved in various activities of governing and managing the organization. You may adapt to fit your organization's needs.


  • From an executive director: "The board is micromanaging. They're driving me crazy!” And from a board member of the same organization: "Every time we make a suggestion, the executive director accuses us of micromanaging. Aren't we supposed to be guiding and leading?"

    When are board members governing, and when are they micromanaging? The guidelines in this article from Common Ground may be of great help.


  • Iget a little uncomfortable when someone asks me to be on a board that is mostly white, seeking racial diversity by saying, “We need to have an African American on the board.” Because that question tells me they may have expectations about my experience, my skills, my networks, and my access to resources that may not be accurate. If you know me, and you know what I can and can’t do, and you’re asking me to be on a board knowing that, then I feel more comfortable with the invitation. I understand the power of allAfrican American boards. For one board I joined, I walked into a high

  • Sample request for proposal for property and liability risk management and insurance consulting services.


  • While contributions of money or property donated to 501(c)(3) organizations are tax deductible, you cannot deduct the value of your time or services as a volunteer. See the most recent revision of IRS Publication 526's section on "Volunteers' Questions and Answers" for the more information about the rules for qualifying for various types of deductions when preparing a return for the most recent Tax Year. 


  • Sample volunteer policy and procedures document from The National Wildlife Federation, as championed among other volunteer management practices by the National Council of Nonprofits.


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