Human Resources

  • Sample waiver for a volunter/intern.


    See also: The Hows and Whys of Volunteer Waivers


  • While many nonprofits are dependent on their volunteer workforce, they should still do their due diligence and take risk management precautions during the volunteer recruitment process, as described in How to Write a Volunteer Application to Protect Your Charity. (Balance Careers - Small Business, 2020)


    Sample Volunteer Applications

  • Trust, But Verify: Why Volunteer Screening is So Important - In case you’re still not sold on the concept of screening volunteers, here are specific reasons about why you should. In a nutshell, it all comes down to managing risk for your organization. (GuideStar/Candid + Volunteer Hub)


  • A calculation by Independent Sector estimated the national value of volunteers' contributed time to be $28.54 per hour in 2021, thus helping to acknowledge the millions of individuals who dedicate their time, talents, and energy to making a difference. Charitable organizations can use this state-specific estimator to quantify the enormous value volunteers provide to their organizations.


  • Sample "Waiver of Liability for Minors" to be edited to fit your organization's needs when hosting volunteers 17 years and under. (National Council of Nonprofits)


    See also: The Hows and Whys of Volunteer Waivers


  • Sample "Waiver of Liability" to be edited to fit your organization's needs. (National Council of Nonprofits)


    See also: The Hows and Whys of Volunteer Waivers


  • The National Council of Nonprofits provides insight on an important question: "Interns: Employee or Volunteer?" to help you manage and conduct your nonprofit's internships.

  • Part of a series of short guides commissioned by the Weingart Foundation to support nonprofits in Los Angeles, the "HR Best Practices Toolkit" was presented at the Center for Nonprofit Management's 501(c)onference in 2014. It includes sample language, templates, and its written content covers: performance management; recruitment, hiring, and retention; program staffing; ongoing professional development; and resolving problems.


  • In this Nonprofit Quarterly article, Juanita Rilling, the executive director of the Center for International Disaster Information (CIDI), speaks on the types of disaster response giving and guidelines that go along with them. (Nonprofit Quarterly)

  • Does your organization want to learn more about how to effectively include members of the LGBTQIA community? Does everyone in your organization understand what all those letters mean? Could your nonprofit use support with best practices and creating an affirming culture for LGBTQIA colleagues and community members? Heather Branham, LCSW and Stephen Wiseman, LCSW of Just Conversations presented this webinar as part of the North Carolina Center for Nonprofits' Walking the Talk: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion series. You’ll discover:

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