Human Resources

  • Use this compilation of wage data from the National Compensation Survey to help determine the value of specialized skills when assessing salary levels for a position at your organization. (The Bureau of Labor Statistics)

  • This checklist lays out the prepatory work for managing incoming interns and how to set expectations for them so they can seamlessly integrate into your workplace and office culture. (National Council of Nonprofits)

  • Sample Confidentiality Agreement for Board and Staff Members during an executive search (North Carolina Center for Nonprofits)

  • Nonprofit board members are usually volunteers. Even though compensating board members is standard in the business world, only a small percentage of nonprofits compensate board members. (The Balance - Small Business, 2020)


  • Criminal history background checks are a single tool in a toolbox of screening tools that nonprofit leaders should consider. Certain positions in a nonprofit may warrant the use of one combination of screening tools that looks quite different from the combination used for other positions. (Nonprofit Risk Management Center)

  • When an organization seriously considers dissolving – whether voluntarily or involuntarily – it’s a difficult and complex process. Nonprofit Dissolution: What to Do When Closing the Doors (Nonprofit Quarterly) outlines the steps and tasks involved in dissolving a nonprofit with honor and integrity.

  • Most 501(c)(3) nonprofits have conflicts of interest policies to help identify actual or potential conflicts of interest that may arise among board members and staff leadership. Typically, these policies: (a) require board members and staff to disclose annually any personal, business, or organizational interests that they have may create a conflict of interest with their service to the nonprofit; and (b) establish a process for board members and employees with potential conflicts of interest to recuse themselves from taking actions that could jeopardize the integrity of the organizatio

  • Step By Step: A Guide to Achieving Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace (TSNE MissionWorks) provides a seven-phase, step-by-step approach to achieving diversity and inclusiveness in the nonprofit workplace. While this work is ongoing, creating a better and more productive work environment now equips organizations to face future challenges.

  • Dedicated, trustworthy volunteers are incredible assets for nonprofits. Paying closer attention to how and what you communicate might be just the catalyst you need to grow your volunteer team. Be sure they hear these messages directly from you!

  • Organizations can adapt this sample policy and process for the board of director's evaluation of the executive director/CEO.

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