Human Resources

  • Get guidance on commonly asked questions about insuring volunteers, including what types of claims could be filed against your nonprofit and what coverages are available to protect your organization. (Nonprofit Risk Management Center)


  • When a nonprofit loses a key person, it causes a waterfall effect for the organization. Fortunately, the possibility of death or disability of a key person is a contingency that can be insured. (Council Services Plus, Inc.)


  • This skills and experience inventory from Youth Empowerment Solutions can be adapted to fit your nonprofit’s needs in assessing the skills of your staff, designating duties and responsibilities, and planning professional development training. The following resource may also be of assistance in designing 

  • These samples create a framework for nonprofits in establishing and building their own confidentiality policies and guidelines for their board, staff, donors, clients, and volunteers. (National Council of Nonprofits)


  • If you're looking for a venue to host the staff retreat, strategic planning, or other meeting for your organization, this list of retreat centers and other regional venues across North Carolina is a great place to get started.


  • Appropriate document retention is important for a nonprofit's compliance with state and federal law, while balancing the need for managing storage space (both physical and digital). A clear policy for staff can prevent the innocent destruction or disposal of documents.

  • The board of directors is responsible for hiring, and establishing the compensation (salary and benefits) of the executive director/CEO by identifying compensation that is "reasonable and not excessive," but that also is attractive enough to retain the best possible talent to lead the organization.

  • The Affordable Care Act requires employers to report the cost of coverage under an employer-sponsored group health plan. Reporting the cost of health care coverage on the Form W-2 does not mean that the coverage is taxable. Learn more from this resource from the IRS.

    Form W-2 Reporting of Employer-Sponsored Health Coverage

  • Many nonprofits have been wondering how to claim the small employer health care tax credit. Get answers from the IRS website--Small Business Health Care Tax Credit Questions and Answers: How to Claim the Credit  (en español).

  • Layoffs that are motivated by economic or administrative reasons – such as loss of funding or staff reorganization – are common in the nonprofit sector. These FAQs answer common questions about layoffs. (Nonprofit Risk Management Center)


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