Legal Compliance & Transparency

  • State and Federal Workplace Poster Requirements provides publications and information from the North Carolina Department of Labor on the requirement to post employee rights in the workplace under the National Labor Relations Act.

  • Grievance Procedures and Internal Dispute Resolution - Rather than turning a deaf ear to complaints, nonprofits need to provide employees with a credible listener who will objectively review their grievance. Employees will feel fairly treated if they have had an opportunity to tell their story, and the nonprofit has the benefit of learning--outside of litigation--the details of the employee's concerns. (Nonprofit Risk Management Center)

  • Disaster and Hardship Relief for Employees: Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them addresses the federal tax-related restrictions on an employer that wishes to sponsor a fund to provide assistance to its employees in the event of disaster or financial hardship. (Robinson Bradshaw, 2017)

  • An important aspect of any effective search strategy is the search structure, which refers to the people who will be involved in each hiring process and the roles that they will play. Developing an appropriate structure for each search will ensure that the hire is made in accordance with the needs, values, and capacity of your organization. In developing the search structure, you will want to make sure that the stages in the search process are appropriately designated. 

  • Worker's compensation in mandated by each state and covers expenses an employer is required to pay for injuries or illness an employee suffers at work. Under requirements by the North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Act, any incorporated nonprofit with three or more employees and/or corporate officers (includes officers on nonprofit boards, even though they are unpaid, and subcontractors without their own coverage) is required to provide workers' compensation coverage.

  • Be sure to reveiw our State Secretary's information about Charitable Solicitation Licensing (CSL) and nonprofit compliance requirements--forms needed, how to file online, relevant statutes, and how it keeps the public informed (e.g. a "Smart Donor Checklist" for assessing a charity before donating to it).

  • Crisis prevention is doubly important for small public entities, companies and nonprofit organizations. Small organizations often have fewer resources to draw on when a crisis erupts, and insurance and other risk financing tools may not be an available due to the organization’s meager financial resources. But every organization, from the smallest to the largest can and should take steps to prevent the preventable and prepare for the unavoidable. The key is to select the strategies that appeal to your organization and best suit your situation.

  • The M Word: A Board Member's Guide to Mergers from CompassPoint is a practical guide to help nonprofit board members, executives, and funders think through a merger. Offering a rough guide to expectations, processes, and obstacles often encountered in a merger experience, it can help an organization determine if a merger is the right choice for its own situation.

  • The Small Business Center Network (SBCN) offers programs, services, and resources to start and grow a business or nonprofit organization - including guiding you through the steps of considering, planning, developing, opening, and operating the organization. Small Business Centers are located at each of NC's 58 community colleges.

  • Network 180's request for proposal for a strategic planning consultant provides a sample you can adapt for your own organization.

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