Legal Compliance & Transparency

  • The Center developed a request for proposal for an executive search firm while conducting its executive search for its president & CEO. Use the Center's document as an example and adapt this template for your own.

  • Creating Nonprofit Policies - Policies are the operational guidelines for an organization. The purpose of the policies is to protect and steer the staff and the board as they fulfill the mission of the organization. They are a reference tool for appropriate action, ethical decision making, and for dealing with potential or actual conflicts. Policies can paraphrase a law, explain a procedure, clarify a principle, or express a desired goal.

  • This document will help you to fine-tune your bylaws, making sure to include each of these elements as detailed.


  • Sample request for proposal for property and liability risk management and insurance consulting services.


  • This document serves as a sample for constructing bylaws.


  • While contributions of money or property donated to 501(c)(3) organizations are tax deductible, you cannot deduct the value of your time or services as a volunteer. See the most recent revision of IRS Publication 526's section on "Volunteers' Questions and Answers" for the more information about the rules for qualifying for various types of deductions when preparing a return for the most recent Tax Year. 


  • Trust, But Verify: Why Volunteer Screening is So Important - In case you’re still not sold on the concept of screening volunteers, here are specific reasons about why you should. In a nutshell, it all comes down to managing risk for your organization. (GuideStar/Candid + Volunteer Hub)


  • Sample Confidentiality Agreement for Board and Staff Members during an executive search (North Carolina Center for Nonprofits)

  • Nonprofit board members are usually volunteers. Even though compensating board members is standard in the business world, only a small percentage of nonprofits compensate board members. (The Balance - Small Business, 2020)


  • Criminal history background checks are a single tool in a toolbox of screening tools that nonprofit leaders should consider. Certain positions in a nonprofit may warrant the use of one combination of screening tools that looks quite different from the combination used for other positions. (Nonprofit Risk Management Center)

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