Legal Compliance & Transparency

  • When an organization seriously considers dissolving – whether voluntarily or involuntarily – it’s a difficult and complex process. Nonprofit Dissolution: What to Do When Closing the Doors (Nonprofit Quarterly) outlines the steps and tasks involved in dissolving a nonprofit with honor and integrity.

  • Kivi Leroux Miller shares a true story and provides a sample release you can rework for your organization. (Nonprofit Marketing

    When Do I Need a Model Release?

  • Dissolving a nonprofit organization can be a difficult and emotional process, but there are steps you can take to ensure that the process of winding down your nonprofit is as smooth as possible (National Council of Nonprofits).

  • Finding quality images to use in your nonprofit's marketing or fundrasing materials is made easier by snapping your own shots. However, it's important to get permission before using your constituent's image (photo and video) or testimonial in your own marketing. This resource provides a sample policy you may adapt for your organization.

  • Explanation of qualified sponsorship payments that don't count as unrelated business income. (IRS)

    Publication 598 - Unrelated Trade or Business

  • Even the most organized and responsible nonprofit board needs to document its activities, internal rules, and processes. BoardSource's infographic, Must-Have Board Documents, outlines the documents to which your board needs to pay attention.

  • Download and adapt this sample sexual harassment policy for your organization.

  • Survivors of sexual harassment and assault have pushed the envelope with the courageous #MeToo and #TimesUp campaigns. Bold truth-telling through social media and technology has changed how allegations get reported and how organizations must respond. In fact, the federal government issued a report in its own words to "reboot workplace harassment efforts." A lot has changed with public and enforcement agency expectations for what organizations should be doing.

  • Adapt this template called, "Confidentiality Agreement for Service on the Search and Transition Committee" from the North Carolina Center for Nonprofits to help committee members be clear about the do's and don'ts around their committee work.

  • The Tax Cuts & Jobs Act, signed into law by the President on December 22, 2017. This resource hightlights how the new federal tax law affects charitable nonprofits will be updated as additional information and guidance becomes available. (National Council of Nonprofits)


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