Organizational Development

  • Use these sample job offer letters when hiring for a temporary position. 

    8 job offer letter templates for every circumstance with extra tips (Workable)

    Nonexempt Temporary Employee Offer Letter Template (California Dental Association)

  • Job or employee satisfaction surveys are a useful tool to gather feedback directly from your employees that will help your organization evaluate "employee retention, boost performance, and nurture your company culture." Qualtrics XM's article, Employee Satisfaction Surveys: Best Practices and Sample Questions, outlines how and why to engage your employees in this type of survey and offers sample survey questions.

  • While nonprofits are all around us, there are common misconceptions about what nonprofits are and what they do. Use this article to help you reply to some of the more common myths about nonprofits. (National Council of Nonprofits)

    Myths About Nonprofits

  • The gaps in employee skills that employers talk about the most are not technical, math, or reading problems. Instead, employers’ top concern is the lack of soft skills needed for success in almost every role. Soft skills such as planning, resolving conflicts, and handling change are just a few skills that employers are looking for in quality employees.

    © North Carolina Center for Nonprofit Organizations, Inc. From Common Ground, a publication of the N.C. Center for Nonprofits,


  • In this publication, GEO offers background on what capacity building is, what approaches are working for grantmakers and their grantees, and how to tailor an approach that best suits the needs of nonprofits and communities.

  • Most procrastination-fighting techniques focus on changing your behavior: just get started, take action, any kind of action. But a recent study suggests a different approach: being kind to yourself.


  • An important aspect of any effective search strategy is the search structure, which refers to the people who will be involved in each hiring process and the roles that they will play. Developing an appropriate structure for each search will ensure that the hire is made in accordance with the needs, values, and capacity of your organization. In developing the search structure, you will want to make sure that the stages in the search process are appropriately designated. 

  • Doing good is tough work, and consensus shows that many do-gooders face more resource restraints than their private sector peers. With the stress of impressing your manager or your peers, the pressure to produce superb programs, and the weight of scrutiny from regulatory bodies, funders, and the general public, it's easy to burn out fast. 

    10 Ways to Definitely Burn Out as a Nonprofit Employee (, 2020)

  • Capacity building is not just about the capacity of a nonprofit today -- it's about the nonprofit’s ability to deliver its mission effectively now, and in the future. Capacity building is an investment in the effectiveness and future sustainability of a nonprofit. (National Council of Nonprofits)

    What is Capacity Building?

  • Whether it’s a consultant to facilitate organizational planning, develop a capital fundraising campaign, or help the board and staff navigate an organizational merger, professionals can often provide the expertise we all need from time to time to better manage our nonprofits. There are many considerations when hiring and engaging consultants. This guide is meant to provide you with some basic tips for hiring, interviewing, and working with consultants to ensure that your experience is productive and worthwhile.


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