Risk Management

  • Nonprofit Quarterly's "Exit Agreements for Nonprofit CEOs: A Guide for Boards and Executives" provides a context and a set of choices when considering whether an exit agreement is needed and, if so, what might be included. Learn the important difference between an exit agreement and a separation agreement. 


  • BoardSource's Executive Transition Timeline provides a timeline that nonprofits can use to help prepare for an upcoming transition or update their succession planning process.


  • Adapt this template called, "Confidentiality Agreement for Service on the Search and Transition Committee" from the North Carolina Center for Nonprofits to help committee members be clear about the do's and don'ts around their committee work.

  • Succession planning can be a touchy subject. Members of a nonprofit board may fear the risk of insulting a CEO by suggesting the topic as an agenda item. Some CEOs may feel disinclined to raise the subject because it could send mixed signals about their intent to remain with the nonprofit.

  • To find the right firm for your search, you must consider a number of factors. This article shares what actions should be taken prior to selecting and engaging with a search firm. (The Bridgespan Group)

    A Nonprofit Organization's Guide to Engaging an Executive Search Firm

  • Nonprofit boards of directors can adapt these sample policies for CEO evaluation, compensation, and emergency succession. See also: the Kentucky Nonprofit Network's Sample Executive Compensation Policy.


  • Capturing the Power of Leadership Change: Using Executive Transition Management to Strengthen Organizational Capacity from The Annie E. Casey Foundation highlights the challenges associated with executive transitions and describes a model of executive management transition. 

  • Nonprofit Risk Management Center's Closing Time: Effective Exit Interviews can help your organization conduct effective exit interviews with every departing employee and long-time volunteer or board member - regardless of the reason for the departure.

  • This guide offers clarification on how the FLSA generally, and the white collar exemptions specifically, apply to the nonprofit sector. (U.S. Department of Labor)

    See also: Breaking down your nonprofit's obligation to pay overtime by National Council of Nonprofits


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