Risk Management

  • Several recent media stories have brought negative attention to nonprofit organizations. In this session, we will discuss the compliance issues that gave rise to each story and ways that nonprofits can mitigate possible reputational harm.

    Disclaimer: This recording is from the 2021 Nonprofit Legal Compliance Workshop, hosted on September 15, 2021. Some laws and rules may have changed since that date.

  • Under Internal Revenue Code 4958, the IRS prohibits public charity 501(c)(3) organizations from using their income or assets to benefit private interests (e.g. an individual or a for-profit entity) in monetary or non-monetary ways. There are three categories of legal rules that govern a public charity's private benefit issues: the private benefit doctrine, the private inurement doctrine, and excess benefit transaction rules.

  • In the digital age, even small nonprofits are not strangers to being the targets of cyberattacks like having passwords hacked, email phishing scams, or ransomware.

  • Nonprofits working to provide healthcare or operate healthcare facilities and hospitals are legally required by HIPAA to protect the personally identifiable information or "Protected Health Information" of the clients and constituents they serve.

  • Games of chance, raffles, and charity auctions is designed to help you think through fundraising strategies like gambling, raffles, silent auctions, and bingo or casino nights. Notably, special licenses for charitable solicitation or serving alcohol, as well as the tax deductibility for the donor's contribution and the nonprofit's income are factors to consider. (National Council of Nonprofits)

  • A Nonprofit's Guide to Risk Management & Insurance - "Risk management can play a critical role in a nonprofit's success or failure.

  • An executive session — sometimes called a closed meeting or an in camera session — provides a venue for handling issues that are best discussed in private, for fostering robust discourse, and for strengthening trust and communication. Learn how to use executive sessions regularly and wisely. (BoardSource)


  • Each nonprofit organization has different needs. What Basic Insurance Coverage Should a Nonprofit Consider? outlines the types of insurance appropriate for nonprofits and how nonprofit staff and board teams can determine the best options for their orgranization's needs.

  • As a result of attending this session, you will be able to: (1) understand and apply the three lenses used to complete an impactful Form 990; (2) describe how the Form 990 is organized along with the purposes of each section; (3) differentiate which areas of the Form 990 receive increased attention from the IRS and use that to evaluate the overall effectiveness of your Form 990.

    Watch now!

  • What Nonprofits Need to Know About Security: A Practical Guide to Managing Risk* provides succinct guidance on how to mitigate your nonprofit's risk exposure, implement basic protections, and build a culture that values security with firm policies in place to guide staff. It includes a staff security checklist, case studies of other nonprofits' experiences with cybersecurity, as well as a list of where to find additional resources. (TechImpact, 2021)

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