Risk Management

  • Washington Nonprofits and Jacobson Jarvis, PLLC worked in partnership to develop the Finance Unlocked for Nonprofits (FUN) Oversight Kit. Finance Unlocked for Nonprofits was designed to increase nonprofit finance literacy in ways that help board members to grow their mission and protect their assets.

  • Best Practices for Internal Controls of Nonprofit Organizations offers a four-page overview on everything from cash disbursements to payroll to policies for managing assets. It also covers the intersection of personnel and financial manangement with recommendations for board conduct, segregation of staff duties, and documenting executive director expenditures.

  • By Rob Zuengler and Jenny Dominguez, CliftonLarsonAllen
    Reprinted with permission from CliftonLarsonAllen

    Could your nonprofit afford to lose $639,000? According to a recent study, that amount of loss due to fraud is not out of the question. Occupational fraud is a real threat to nonprofits and it could be committed by anyone from an employee to an executive.

  • Marshall Whittey, Regional Sales Director, First Nonprofit

  • "Ransomware" refers to any virus or malware that maliciously encrypts your computer, data, or network to hold it hostage and bring your organization to a standstill until a ransom is paid. During these attacks, your systems display messages prompting users to pay or take other actions that further compromise your organization's security, while promising to allegedly allow you to regain control over your systems or retrieve your data.

  • The Cyber Readiness Institute (CRI) reports "more than 60% of data breaches are a result of weak or stolen passwords, 91% of all attacks start with a phishing email, 27% of malware infections are introduced via a corrupted USB, and 77% of attacks in 2017 could have been prevented if software was up-to-date." Luckily, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and CRI offers a series of short guides below, free webinars,

  • Ransomware attacks block access to your IT infrastructure or your constituent/donor data unless you pay the attacker to release your property.

  • The Workforce Re-Entry Toolkit (UST) provides helpful checklists, letter templates, sample policies, and response plans designed to help nonprofit leaders prepare to re-enter the workplace. It also includes an on-demand webinar with tips for welcoming employees back to the office while maintaining compliance with state and federal COVID-19 regulations.

    Workforce Re-Entry Toolkit:

  • Nonprofit organizations must set clear rules and guidelines to ensure the safety and health of volunteers, employees, clients, and minors, as well as to protect company property. Depending on the nature of your nonprofit's work or mission area, you may need policies and procedure documents that vary on the scale of complexity. Below are example policies ranging from a few pages to full manuals.

  • CAPLP, a nonprofit in Minnesota, has a thorough Volunteer Handbook on which other nonprofits may wish to model their own guidelines and policies for volunteers. Appendices include sample forms for incidents such as standards of conduct for volunteers or reporting an injury, as well as sample exit interview questions.

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