Enhancing Nonprofit Management Skills: Reflections on Nonprofit Management Institute Master Class
1 minute read
Participants of the first in-person Nonprofit Management Institute Master Class share insights on their experience and the learning opportunity.
Clarifying Charitable Giving: What the New NC CSL Annual Report Doesn’t Show
2 minute read
CapDev offers clarification and context in response to concerns over declines in charitable giving in North Carolina as reported in the latest NC Secretary of State CSL Annual Report.
Strategic Year-End Communication Tips for Nonprofits
3 minute read
Year-end is an optimal time for nonprofits to reflect on accomplishments, articulate future goals, and rally resources for upcoming initiatives. These tips can help nonprofits strategically communicate to maximize year-end impact.
Looking Ahead: Nonprofit Fundraising and Development
3 minute read
Alyson Stoffer, Director of Development, TLC and President, AFP Triangle
Artificial Intelligence to Recruit and Fundraise
2 minute read
Marie-Line Germain, HR Consulting Initiative
What if pizza shops had to manage their money like a nonprofit?
2 minute read
Jeanne Tedrow, President and CEO, of North Carolina Center for Nonprofits.