Resource Library

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Contract Management in a Nonprofit World 

(November 4, 2021 presentation) This beginning level workshop offers participants an opportunity to delve into fundamental issues associated with contract management and administration in the nonprofit sector. Nonprofit attorney, Kristy Cook of Mod Law Firm, brings her near decade experience in nonprofit law and management to this session.

Legal Ramifications of Creative Fundraising 

(September 15, 2021 presentation) This session will review recent, temporary changes to federal tax law that can help nonprofits increase both their small and large contributions from individual donors. It will also cover types of fundraising options for nonprofits, including commercial co-ventures, donor-advised funds, and corporate sponsorships.

COVID-19 Considerations for Nonprofits 

(September 15, 2021 presentation) This session will address some of the most common questions nonprofit organizations are asking, including: whether to require employees to get COVID-19 vaccinations, and if so, how to implement this requirement; the current state of federal laws related to unemployment insurance, paid-time off benefits, and the Employee Retention Tax Credit; and considerations for nonprofits as they prepare for staff and volunteers to return to in-person work.

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Form 990 (But Were Afraid to Ask) 

(September 9, 2021 webinar)
As a result of attending this session, you will be able to: (1) understand and apply the three lenses used to complete an impactful Form 990; (2) describe how the Form 990 is organized along with the purposes of each section; (3) differentiate which areas of the Form 990 receive increased attention from the IRS and use that to evaluate the overall effectiveness of your Form 990.