Resource Library

The Center's resource library has over 800 items covering the breadth of topics in nonprofit management. Find answers to your questions plus articles, sample policies, checklists, and more.

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A Guide for Long Term Donor Cultivation  

Nonprofits that establish themselves as a donor's favorite charity are more likely to receive greater support from the donor—not just in terms of financial contributions, but also through sharing information, volunteering, event participation, and issue advocacy.

Telework Policies 

A collection of resources on telecommuting including sample policies and things to consider before implementing a policy at your organization.

Nonprofit Technology Staffing and Investments 

The Nonprofit Technology Staffing and Investments Report comprises data from more than 250 organizations on how they are investing in technology staff, hardware, and services to help guide your nonprofit to smarter, more agile, and sustainable engagement with technology.

Google Analytics 

Google Analytics offers valuable insights into your website activity to help you make informed decision on your communications, marketing, and engagement.

Case Management Tools 

Idealware highlights several affordable tools that can be used by all sizes and types of nonprofits to track, assess outcomes, and report on the information your organization needs to work with a client.