The Center's resource library has over 800 items covering the breadth of topics in nonprofit management. Find answers to your questions plus articles, sample policies, checklists, and more.
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AI for Social Good Playbook
This playbook provides a comprehensive framework to understand and tap into the benefits of AI.
Leveraging GenAI: Empowering Nonprofits for Social Impact
(November 6, 2024 webinar) With so much news and noise, it can be challenging to identify the right ways to use AI to help meet your nonprofit goals. As a nonprofit themselves, Apparo is ready to help you navigate the world of AI and find the right ways to adopt it into your nonprofit workflows.
Going Forward: Best Practices and Considerations for Nonprofit Re-Engagement
Recommendations and considerations for nonprofits to reopen operations throughout or following a public health emergency or crisis
Empowering Nonprofits: Leveraging AI for Greater Impact
(December 12, 2023 webinar) In today's rapidly advancing digital age, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping industries, and the nonprofit sector is no exception. Whether you're new to AI or looking to optimize its application, this session offers insights into how nonprofits can harness this technology to further their cause, optimize resources, and foster meaningful connections.
How to Fund Nonprofit Tech: A Guide for Funders and Nonprofits
Toolkit compiling resources for nonprofits to make funding pitches for technology and why/how grantmaker organizations should be funding nonprofit technology.
Getting Started with Cyber Security
(October 26, 2023 webinar) This webinar discusses cost-effective cybersecurity actions to boost your organization's security and resilience immediately.
Best Practices for Month-End Close
(September 7, 2023 webinar) What does your organization’s current financial close process look like? Whether you scramble every month or feel like things run smoothly, it’s helpful to pay attention to certain key areas.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Beginner SEO tips for nonprofits seeking to promote their website.
Fundraising with Email Marketing
(October 6, 2022 webinar) Participants will learn practical and realistic tips on: the basics of email marketing; How to create a donor funnel that works; The anatomy of a nonprofit email marketing campaign; Five secrets of email marketing geniuses.
How to Get the Most Out of Your Nonprofit Website
(August 11, 2022 webinar) You work hard and wear a lot of hats (with no time to buy the matching shoes). Changing the world can be time-consuming and stressful! Let us lighten your workload and preserve your sanity with this free webinar that’ll help you put your nonprofit website to work for you and make it multitask as well as you do. Go beyond the basics with Molly Coke as she talks about how to leverage technology to help support your mission and make your life easier.
Equity Guide for Nonprofit Technology
Whether you're a user, builder, or funder, you have a responsibility to ensure the equitable use of technology.
CAN-SPAM and Email Marketing for Nonprofits
Guidelines to be certain your newsletter and other communications are sent legally.
To App or Not to App? Program Engagement & Tracking
(November 5, 2021 presentation) In the session, attendees will participate in a decision tree exercise, a case study of a client that successfully navigated this decision, and tools to determine the next steps including solutions that could be pursued when launching an app is not the answer. Participants will be given a checklist for them to assess their own program needs to determine if they need an app or not, and a digital sandbox environment where they can design a mockup of an app on their phone or computer and see examples of similar apps and user-generated data.
Metrics Matter – Utilizing Research to Drive Programming
(November 3, 2021 presentation) Research is tantamount to effective advocacy and impactful programming. In order to maintain program effectiveness, organizations must evolve with the needs of those they serve, and that is impossible if they do not know what those current needs are. Data collection, dissemination, and research are imperative to ensuring that organizational efforts are being targeted where needed. Non-profit leaders need to identify trends in order to surface any gaps and inconsistencies in their programming to prevent diminishing returns on their investment into the communities they serve.
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