Resource Library

The Center's resource library has over 800 items covering the breadth of topics in nonprofit management. Find answers to your questions plus articles, sample policies, checklists, and more.

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Empowering Nonprofits: Leveraging AI for Greater Impact 

(December 12, 2023 webinar) In today's rapidly advancing digital age, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping industries, and the nonprofit sector is no exception. Whether you're new to AI or looking to optimize its application, this session offers insights into how nonprofits can harness this technology to further their cause, optimize resources, and foster meaningful connections.

The Nuts and Bolts of Program Evaluation: Designing Effective Logic Models and Evaluating Service-Oriented Nonprofits

(May 23, 2023 webinar) View this webinar for the knowledge and tools you need to design effective program evaluations and improve the outcomes of your nonprofit programs. We’ll dive into the essential components of program evaluation for nonprofits, the basics of designing a logic model, and the different methods of program evaluation. We’ll also use real-life case studies to learn about how to measure your nonprofit programs’ success and share the story of your impact with relevant stakeholders.

Making Your Nonprofit’s Case with Storytelling

(August 30, 2022 webinar) Storytelling is the most powerful tool we have as changemakers. By sharing our authentic personal stories and those of the community we serve (with permission, of course), we can stand out as we stand up for our mission. We attract and inspire an audience that is ready to roll up their sleeves and help us make shifts happen at our nonprofit organization. In this session, we will explore the dynamics of storytelling and create each member of your team’s individual 'elevator pitch' – also known as a verbal business card.

To App or Not to App? Program Engagement & Tracking 

(November 5, 2021 presentation) In the session, attendees will participate in a decision tree exercise, a case study of a client that successfully navigated this decision, and tools to determine the next steps including solutions that could be pursued when launching an app is not the answer. Participants will be given a checklist for them to assess their own program needs to determine if they need an app or not, and a digital sandbox environment where they can design a mockup of an app on their phone or computer and see examples of similar apps and user-generated data.

Metrics Matter – Utilizing Research to Drive Programming 

(November 3, 2021 presentation) Research is tantamount to effective advocacy and impactful programming. In order to maintain program effectiveness, organizations must evolve with the needs of those they serve, and that is impossible if they do not know what those current needs are. Data collection, dissemination, and research are imperative to ensuring that organizational efforts are being targeted where needed. Non-profit leaders need to identify trends in order to surface any gaps and inconsistencies in their programming to prevent diminishing returns on their investment into the communities they serve.

The Trainer Academy: How to Teach Online or In-person 

(August 19 & 26, 2021) The Trainer Academy gives you the knowledge, skills, and tools you need to be an effective trainer – both in-person and online. Over two, 2-hour online sessions, you will learn how to design an effective workshop and how to deliver it in a way that maximizes participation.

Nonprofit Build Up - Podcast 

Provides fundraising and development ideas, program strategy, considerations for organizational structuring, and grant-making policies and practices.