
  • Identifies benefits that local governments receive from working with small community nonprofits, challenges that these nonprofits often face in developing internal strength, reasons that governments help address these challenges, and strategies that governments use to provide such assistance. (UNC School of Government, 2005)


  • The M Word: A Board Member's Guide to Mergers from CompassPoint is a practical guide to help nonprofit board members, executives, and funders think through a merger. Offering a rough guide to expectations, processes, and obstacles often encountered in a merger experience, it can help an organization determine if a merger is the right choice for its own situation.

  • Creating Fertile Soil for the Merger Option shows research from several organizations that experienced mergers. It reports their reasons for merging and what happened after they merged.  (Nonprofit Quarterly, 2018)

  • Do your responsibilities include accounting or fundraising (also known as development or fund development) for your nonprofit? Do you supervise the development and accounting work? These are two critical functions and successful collaboration between them is essential to every nonprofit’s success.

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