donor retention

  • The NonProfit Voice podcast is "the go-to source for nonprofit management strategy and tactics. Developed for thought leaders and innovators, we cover topics like fundraising, donor management, human resources, board / volunteer management, and marketing technology."



  • Retention is your most important fundraising strategy, and your online donors are seriously at risk. Among all your donors, they are the least likely to renew their gifts – unless you take specific, creative steps to engage and thank them. This webinar will help you discover how to maximize the retention rates of your digital donors. We will examine the attributes of online donors, and outline the retention strategies that work best for this slice of your donor database.

    Watch now!


  • The Donor Bill of Rights was created by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP), the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), and the Giving Institute: Leading Consultants to Non-Profits. It is considered a sector standard for fundraising professionals and is encouraged reading for adopting these practices as your own.

  • In Fall 2012, Charity Dynamics and NTEN partnered to develop a first-of-its-kind donor engagement survey, which sought to understand how people prefer to engage with nonprofits across traditional and digital media. The results of the study unequivocally clarify the importance of being a donor's #1 nonprofit of choice: Nonprofits that establish themselves as a donor's favorite charity are more likely to receive greater support from the donor—not just in terms of financial contributions, but also through sharing information, volunteering, event participation, and issue advocacy.

  • Ethical standards and principles are the foundation for maintaining public trust in your organization and the nonprofit sector as a whole. The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) first published its code of ethical standards for fundraising professionals in 1964, and "believes that ethical behavior fosters the development and growth of fundraising professionals and the fundraising profession, and enhances philanthropy and volunteerism."

  • Good acknowledgments affirm to the donor that s/he has made a worthwhile investment. They set the stage for ongoing strategic communication about a donor's gift that will deepen his/her connection with your organization. To acheive the donor retention goals of your organization, the Association of Advancement Professionals has provided a guide to implementing best practices for gift acknowledgement.

  • Did you know that around 60% of donors only give one time to a nonprofit organization? Combatting this natural attrition of one time givers is a daunting challenge, surely, but there are ways to mitigate it. Presented by Network for Good, this webinar centers around loving your donors and ensuring the most upside to retain one-time givers. We will discuss time-tested strategies to engage, steward, and upgrade new donors including how to:

  • Improve the effectiveness of your e-newsletter with these 11 tips from Common Ground.


  • By Kim Klein

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