
  • Excerpt below. Download the full 56-page PDF at bottom.

    This user guide will assist you in making the argument, shaping the message, and carrying out the activities necessary to achieve racial equality.

    The Toolkit is grounded in the following assumptions:

  • DEI has become common parlance in the philanthropic and nonprofit sectors. That's why it's helpful to begin with some grounding definitions for diversity, equity, and inclusion. Open Source Leadership Strategies, LLC provides definitions that reflect current thinking in the field.



  • Paying Attention to White Culture and Privilege: A Missing Link to Advancing Racial Equity

  • Discover how the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits (MCN) creates inclusive environments for individuals to participate in MCN’s educational events, committee meetings, and public gatherings in this sample policy.

  • Working at the Intersections: LGBTQ Nonprofit Staff and the Racial Leadership Gap

  • Cultural competence in the workplace between a diverse staff or for the design and evaluation of programs serving diverse populations can make or break an organization.

  • Excerpt below. Download the full 34-page PDF at bottom.

    The board is fundamentally responsible for defining the organization's mission and what it strives to accomplish, usually through a strategic planning process. The board must be involved in the portions of planning involving philosphical and strategic decisions, but may assign responsibility for tactical planning to the staff.

    Ten-Step Strategic Planning Process Exercise Who are we?

    1. Create, change or affirm an organization vision and mission.

  • An Integrated Anti-Oppression Framework for Reviewing and Developing Policy - The aim of this tool kit is to help organizations review and consider changes to policies such as these to make sure that they are equitable for all employees and members, and for their community. Its goal is to create "a tool that would support community service organizations to consistently integrate their anti-oppression learning into practice.

  • Excerpt below. Download the full 4-page PDF at bottom.

  • Excerpt below. Download the 4-page PDF at bottom.

    Opportunities to advance equity abound in the numerous activities associated with different advocacy efforts. Organizing, base building, and capacity-building activities expand community leadership, increase power, and build momentum to address important equity issues. Research and communications activities illustrate and disseminate important information about issues, reaching important policymakers and thought leaders.

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