
  • Excerpt below. Download the full 3-page PDF at bottom.

    Authored by: Equity, Achievement, and Diversity for Success Committee (EADS)

    In efforts to support ACSA’s beliefs around equity and achievement, SMART goals and action steps have been created around the focus areas illustrated in the EADS Position Paper.

    These goals and action steps support the implementation of ACSA’s Strategic Plan. (SMART: S=Specific, M=Measurable, A=Achievable, R=Realistic, T=Time oriented)

  • Excerpt below. Download the full 3-page PDF at bottom.

    Walking the Talk: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in North Carolina Nonprofits

    The North Carolina Center for Nonprofits’ mission is education, connect, and advocate for North Carolina's nonprofits. A core value of the Center is to respect and include the wide variety of North Carolina’s people, cultures, regions, religions, and perpectives. Another important core value is helping nonprofits be effective in achieving their missions and accountable to their stakeholders.

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