Human Resources

  • Caroline McDowell, Marketing & Communications Manager, North Carolina Center for Nonprofits

  • Inclusion@Work: A Framework for Building a Disability-Inclusive Organization was developed by the Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion (EARN) based on input from employers with exemplary track records in disability employment.

  • New IRS regulations address a quirk in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) health insurance marketplace known as the “family glitch” and may provide relief for employees covering family members on group health insurance plans. Specifically, covered family members may be eligible for subsidies under the ACA on individual plans. Join Marsh McLennan Agency to learn about the “family glitch” changes and how they may benefit your family.

    Watch now!


  • Contemporary workplaces feature many competing responsibilities which vie for an employee's time. It is therefore all the more important to dedicate time to reinforcing the skills and knowledge your staff or volunteers need to perform their duties.

  • Staff and volunteers' good state of mental health and emotional wellbeing is highly necessary for carrying out your nonprofit's mission, yet workplace stress can easily lead to mental health challenges. A workplace wellbeing program can aid individuals working on behalf of your nonprofit with issues ranging from the normal need to find an appropriate work-life balance to preventing the extremes of developing unhealthy coping mechanisms like substance use. Below are tools to implement changes at your own organization.


  • In this session, you will gain insight on the hot topics of attracting, recruiting, and retaining top talent within nonprofits. This session is designed for staff responsible for the talent and growth of their organization. Learn how culture impacts each of these verticals and what other organizations are seeing and doing that are producing positive results!

    Learning Outcomes:

  • Children, and therefore their caregivers, have been overwhelmed by stress and anxiety driven by the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact since the pandemic, emergency department visits for attempted suicide have risen 51% among adolescent girls, and studies show that students are 5 months behind in math and 4 months behind in reading when compared to students prior to the pandemic.

  • What is the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program?

    The Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program was established by the federal government in 2007 with the intent of forgiving the remaining balance on federal student loans after borrowers had made 120 months of qualifying payments while working in certain public service jobs, including positions with governments and 501(c)(3) nonprofits.

  • The work of the Executive Director and CEO position can seem unending and perhaps even isolating. But on the horizon, nonprofit leaders may be able to decrease burnout through careful consideration and implementation of shared or collaborative leadership models. For example, one executive may be responsible for overseeing the programmatic of fundraising aspects of the organization, while the other executive may oversee operations and technical administration.

  • Discussions of racial and gender-based quotas in the workplace or higher education have been going on since at least the 1970s, and likely earlier. Quota systems may be based on race, gender, people with disabilities, military/veteran status, and other identity categories. Diversity quota systems are strategies where under-represented groups (typically those who have been historically excluded, marginalized, or discriminated against) are sought to fill positions at an organization as part of a numerical view of diversity in the workforce.


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