Information & Technology

  • Google Analytics offers valuable insights into your website visitors' activity to help you make informed decision on your communications, marketing, and engagement.

  • With so many vendors to choose from, it's difficult to know which option is truly best for your organization. Several guides are available to help you establish a custom framework for your organization that will determine which donor database it best for you and your fundraising strategy. 

  • When well-crafted, Request for Proposals (RFP) can introduce an organization to high-quality vendor-partners and consultants from outside their established networks and ensure that a project is completed as planned. In An Overview of the RFP Process for Nonprofits, Charities, and Libraries, TechSoup offers basic considerations for each phase of the RFP process. 

  • Whether you are just starting out with social media or you've been using it for a while, NonprofitMarketingGuide offers tips and advice on mastering it. Additionally, Accessible Social is a free resource hub for communication professionals who want to learn how to make their social media accessible for people with disabilities.

  • A good case management tool allows you to track, assess outcomes, and report on the information your organization needs to work with a client – from their age, address, job history, medical history, and childcare situation to demographics, interactions, scheduling, billing, and more. In A Few Good Case Management Tools, Idealware highlights several affordable tools that can be used by all sizes and types of nonpro

  • A well-designed, user-friendly website can help you engage new members, raise money, and communicate with decision-makers. In A Nonprofit's Guide to Building Simple, Low-Cost Websites, TechSoup provides tools and ideas for building a simple, attractive website without breaking the bank.

  • A web hosting provider stores the files that make up your website, and reliably connects them to the Internet so your constituents can see your site. Idealware's A Few Good Web Hosting Providers shares insight from nonprofit internet specialists on the web hosting providers that have worked well for them, and tips for hosting everything from a basic website to a powerhouse web application.

  • The Small Business Center Network (SBCN) offers programs, services, and resources to start and grow a business or nonprofit organization - including guiding you through the steps of considering, planning, developing, opening, and operating the organization. Small Business Centers are located at each of NC's 58 community colleges.

  • Considerations on Crowdfunding for Nonprofits and how your nonprofit can go about fundraising through this method, as outlined by the National Council of Nonprofits.

    (Recursos disponibles en español.)

  • "Whenever we go online—to shop, chat with our friends, or do anything else—we put ourselves at risk of cybercrime. Computer viruses can corrupt our files, hackers can steal our data, and criminals can trick us into revealing sensitive information. But luckily there are simple steps we can take to protect our digital lives. NOVA has teamed up with cybersecurity experts to create the Cybersecurity Lab, a game in which players will discover how they can keep their digital lives safe and develop an understanding of cyber threats and defenses."

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