Organizational Development

  • Jeanne Canina Tedrow, President & CEO, North Carolina Center for Nonprofits

    Happy New Year – 2019!

  • Jeanne Canina Tedrow, President & CEO, North Carolina Center for Nonprofits

  • Four resources to help you with federal and state funding opportunities.

  • Even with a clear fundraising plan in place, nonprofits sometimes can find themselves temporarily short of cash, due to unforeseen circumstances like disasters or delays in payments. The Foundation Center does not provide grants, recommend specific funders, or approach them on your behalf, but they can point you to resources to find possible funders and useful advice. (Grantspace)

  • Find answers to your questions about Charitable Solicitation License (CSL), who needs it, and how to apply.

    Basic licensing information:

  • Nonprofit Board Orientation Checklist - This checklist is a general outline to guide the orientation of new board members. Your organization should modify it as you see fit to ensure that all new board members are provided with the information necessary to fulfill their responsibilities. (BoardSource, 2016)

  • Planning to start an endowment? Read this series of articles by Kim Klein for Grassroots Fundraising Journal to find answers to your questions about whether it is appropriate for your situation and how to best go about establishing an endowment.

  • Used strategically, crowdfunding helps nonprofits build meaningful engagement, inform their work, spread their messages, and expand their donor base to increase their overall funding and impact. Crowdfunding can still still a relatively new concept, and many nonprofits face the same questions when considering it for the first time. The Stanford Social Innovation Review looks at some of the most common questions: Crowdfunding Campaigns for Nonprofits.

  • A series of guidelines by the Association of Fundraising Professionals which "explores a way to frame the conversation about your board's give-or-get policy so that you can gain consensus from all board members and come to a satisfactory conclusion."

    Getting Your Board Members to Give, Get, or Get Off 


  • Download a sample Board Member Committee description to use as a summary of who serves on which committees and what each committee's area of responsibility entails.

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