Organizational Development

  • Smart nonprofits take risks—many risks—every day. Such organizations are creative, inventive, and continue to succeed despite the changing environment. These organizations know that success demands risk-taking, and they create an organizational culture that regularly assesses risk, favors intelligent risks, and mitigates the impact of known risks. (First Nonprofit Group)

    Risk Management: Your Role as a Board Member

  • Personnel Policies Template - Use this Word file to shape your own organization's policies. Please note: The North Carolina Center for Nonprofits is providing this sample policy to serve as a starting point for your nonprofit's development of an appropriate policy for your organization.

  • This example job description provides a starting place, but is by no means all-inclusive. Elements beyond the standard categories which are essential to writing your job description include: the expectations of the organization for the Development Director's performance outcomes, minimum qualificiations such as knowledge of charitable solicitation laws, and language compliant with the Americans with Disbilities Act.

  • The job description is your primary vehicle for announcing the open position to external and internal audiences, and is a valuable tool for finding candidates best-suited to your organization's needs. The Nonprofit Job Description Toolkit features a wide range of sample job descriptions for senior nonprofit leadership roles--including CEO/executive director, COO, CFO, communications, programs, and more. Provides a template email job announcement. (Bridgespan)

  • Investment Policies for Nonprofits - "The board of directors of a nonprofit has a fiduciary responsibility to protect the assets of the nonprofit and ensure that the nonprofit's operations and activities use the assets to further the nonprofit’s mission.

  • Presented at a Center conference by Robin Barefoot (Triangle Community Foundation) and Douglas Benson (Foundation For The Carolinas), this workshop relays the importance of planned giving and questions you should ask to assess your organization's readiness.


  • The Foundation Center offers Spanish language videos on:

    Introducción a la redacción de la propuesta (Introduction to Proposal Writing): Aprenda sobre los componentes claves de una propuesta a fundaciones y corporaciones.

  • (formerly The Foundation Center/Grantspace) offers Spanish language videos on:

    Principios de la planificación para la procuración de fondos (Introduction to Fundraising Planning): Aprenda el proceso básico de planificación para lograr diversificar las fuentes de apoyo financiero de su organización.

  • Few things are more satisfying to new board members than the realization that they have not only made a smart decision to join a board but that they can immediately begin to make meaningful contributions. And nothing fosters that certainty more than a dynamic, interactive board orientation.

  • Board and staff leaders can adapt this template from the North Carolina Center for Nonprofits to develop the board nomination and election process for your organization.


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