Organizational Development

  • (formerly The Foundation Center/Grantspace) offers Spanish language videos on:

    Principios de la planificación para la procuración de fondos (Introduction to Fundraising Planning): Aprenda el proceso básico de planificación para lograr diversificar las fuentes de apoyo financiero de su organización.

  • Few things are more satisfying to new board members than the realization that they have not only made a smart decision to join a board but that they can immediately begin to make meaningful contributions. And nothing fosters that certainty more than a dynamic, interactive board orientation.

  • Board and staff leaders can adapt this template from the North Carolina Center for Nonprofits to develop the board nomination and election process for your organization.


  • Every organization will eventually experience a change in executive leadership, which is a time of both risk and opportunity. Nonprofit organizations can adapt this executive director succession policy example to create their own succession policy (Raffa, formerly TransitionGuides).


  • Severance Pay Policy July 2014 Society for Human Resource Management

    Practice Note

  • Sample Emergency Succession Plan by Tim Wolfred gives a model plan with emphasis on "identifying the key leadership functions carried by the executive, identifying the agency managers best qualified to step into the executive role in an emergency, and prescribing the cross-training necessary to prepare the back-up managers to cover the leadership functions." (CompassPoint Nonprofit Services,

  • Nonprofit executive directors often wonder if it's the right time to leave. Maybe the demands of the job seem ever more burdensome, or the board seems increasingly dissatisfied, or the ticking of the retirement clock is getting louder.

  • Common sense, an inclusive listening tour, frank dialogue, and more are essential ingredients for the process of succession. Examples of unspoken challenges are revealed in Successful Successions: Executive Transitions that Worked, stories of Nonprofit Quarterly's experience recruiting chief executives and their successors for three different organizations.

  • This article explores succession planning for nonprofit leaders other than the CEO. Eureka moments often occur during our consulting engagements when nonprofit teams realize the CEO is one of many individuals whose departure could cause ‘transition trauma.’ Read on for inspiration for establishing a non-CEO succession planning process. (Nonprofit Risk Management Center)

  • Here are a number of helpful resources from the National Council of Nonprofits to help with your succession planning efforts. 

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