Organizational Development

  • Annie E. Casey Foundation's 2008 "Building Leaderful Organizations: Succession Planning for Nonprofits" seeks to continue detoxifying the topic of nonprofit succession planning so that executives, boards, staff, and funders can take up these activities without unnecessary fear or concern and provides nonprofit boards and executive directors a framework for their own succession planning activities.

  • Jeanne Allen's "Boards and the Onboarding Process for New Nonprofit Executives" has five recommendations from Boosting Nonprofit Board Performance Where It Counts for boards to adopt a “leadership development mindset” for supporting the new Executive Director.

  • 52 Free Development Opportunities for Nonprofit Staff is a list organized by skill type of ways nonprofit leaders can engage staff members in critical skill development areas without sending them to formal external trainings.

  • Capturing the Power of Leadership Change: Using Executive Transition Management to Strengthen Organizational Capacity from The Annie E. Casey Foundation highlights the challenges associated with executive transitions and describes a model of executive management transition. 

  • The North Carolina Center for Nonprofits hosted the third webinar of our "Walking the Talk: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in North Carolina Nonprofits" series. Building Movement Project (BMP) co-director Frances Kunreuther discussed Race to Lead: Confronting the Nonprofit Racial Leadership Gap, the first report in BMP’s Race to Lead series that explores why ther

  • Every nonprofit board member is legally responsible for the financial oversight of the organization he or she serves. BoardSource's Welcome to Your Key Financial Statements: A Primer for Nonprofit Board Members guide for boards of directors introduces the two most important financial documents - the balance sheet and income statement - that help board members meet their fiduciary responsibilities.


  • Are we practicing what we preach? Or is our implicit bias negatively affecting our decisions in spite of our good intentions? Ivan Canada and Michael Robinson of the National Conference for Community and Justice of the Piedmont Triad presented the second webinar in the Center's "Walking the Talk" series, Impact > Intention: Understanding Implicit Bias. The discussion included:

  • The Guidebook for Boards of Directors of North Carolina Nonprofit Corporations provides an overview of the role and responsibilities as a board member of a North Carolina nonprofit, including a primer on nonprofit organizations, essential elements of a nonprofit board, duties and liabilities of nonprofit board members, and the basics of tax exemption.

    ©2008 North Carolina Center for Nonprofit Organizations, Inc.

  • Ready to Lead? Next Generation Leaders Speak Out

    This report combines perspectives and data from about 6,000 emerging nonprofit leaders from throughout the country on the advantages and drawbacks of leading a nonprofit organization. There are also recommended action plans for nonprofits to engage with immediately in order to bring about real change and develop great leaders for tomorrow. 

  • Over the course of 15 years, CompassPoint conducted four national studies of nonprofit executive leadership. In a companion essay to this study, ETM thought leader Tom Adams lays out how the field of ETM has evolved over 20 years of practice and where he and other experts see it going next. 

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