Strategic Communication

  • The Donor Communication Mini Guide - Guidelines, best practices, and creative ideas for thanking donors in various situations, and thanking them through other means beyond standard letters. Includes a letter template and a donor stewardship checklist. (Network for Good)


  • When an organization seriously considers dissolving – whether voluntarily or involuntarily – it’s a difficult and complex process. Nonprofit Dissolution: What to Do When Closing the Doors (Nonprofit Quarterly) outlines the steps and tasks involved in dissolving a nonprofit with honor and integrity.

  • Kivi Leroux Miller shares a true story and provides a sample release you can rework for your organization. (Nonprofit Marketing

    When Do I Need a Model Release?

  • The Wizard of Oz. The Godfather. Jaws. When I think about these three classic movies, I recall three very different stories. When screenwriting teacher and storytelling guru Brian McDonald thinks about them, he keeps getting one message.

    What Do All Good Stories Have In Common?

  • Consider how often you check your email every day versus how often you visit other organizations' websites. Other people spend more time in their own inboxes, too. When it comes to cultivation, email marketing is king.

    Use Email to Build Relationships and Achieve Marketing Glory

  • "So, what what do you do?" the VIP asks.  You've got a handful of minutes to pitch your nonprofit. What do you say? The Five Parts of the Perfect Pitch

    © North Carolina Center for Nonprofit Organizations, Inc. From Common Ground, a publication of the N.C. Center for Nonprofits,

  • A case-study from storytelling expert Andy Goodman details which works more: stories or data?

  • Whether you are just starting the communications planning process, checking in on a communications campaign already in progress, or interested in reviewing an effort you have already executed, the Smart Chart 3.0(TM) will help you assess your strategic decisions to ensure that your communications strategy delivers high impact. (Communications Leadership Institute)

    Smart Chart for Communications 3.0

  • Some of the “truths” about black holes are eerily similar of the traits of “dark risks”‒ the controversial risks that cause many nonprofit leaders to look away. This Common Ground article, 9 Truths about Black Holes and Dark Risks, outlines the dark risks and strategies to shed light on them.

  • The goal of a proclamation is to recognize and celebrate the extraordinary achievements of city residents and nonprofit organizations and to increase public awareness of issues with the hope of improving the well-being of citizens. Contact your local officials to request a proclamation, and view a sample here.

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