Strategic Communication

  • Today's environment for nonprofits is full of tempting traps that can take the organization off its core mission. Learn about the top ten traps and how to avoid them. (North Carolina Center for Nonprofits)

  • In a 360-Degree Look, as outlined by Blue Avocado, the board and the staff team seek feedback from those who stand around the outside of the circle (aka: the organization) as well as inside it: clients, community members, volunteers, donors, funders, and staff. While it might seem threatening or time-consuming, it's an infrequent project that can alleviate staff fears and create a positive precedent for board-staff teams.

  • Candid (formerly GrantSpace) outlines the process and steps to create a business plan, which can help a nonprofit organization describe how it intends to implement its mission and achieve its set of goals. Additionally, the National Council for Nonprofits offers administration guides about Business Planning for Nonprofits.

  • Use LinkedIn's services dedicated to nonprofits to find employees, recruit board members, volunteers, and donors, as well as bolster your organization's social media presence in local networks of professionals and institutions.

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  • Crisis prevention is doubly important for small public entities, companies and nonprofit organizations. Small organizations often have fewer resources to draw on when a crisis erupts, and insurance and other risk financing tools may not be an available due to the organization’s meager financial resources. But every organization, from the smallest to the largest can and should take steps to prevent the preventable and prepare for the unavoidable. The key is to select the strategies that appeal to your organization and best suit your situation.

  • Google Analytics offers valuable insights into your website visitors' activity to help you make informed decision on your communications, marketing, and engagement.

  • When well-crafted, Request for Proposals (RFP) can introduce an organization to high-quality vendor-partners and consultants from outside their established networks and ensure that a project is completed as planned. In An Overview of the RFP Process for Nonprofits, Charities, and Libraries, TechSoup offers basic considerations for each phase of the RFP process. 

  • Whether you are just starting out with social media or you've been using it for a while, NonprofitMarketingGuide offers tips and advice on mastering it. Additionally, Accessible Social is a free resource hub for communication professionals who want to learn how to make their social media accessible for people with disabilities.

  • "If harnessed correctly, social media can be the perfect medium for any non-profit organization's volunteer recruitment arsenal. [...] Employing social media allows those recruiting to be proactive by opening new doors, enlarging the organization’s social network, and increasing the likelihood of onboarding new volunteers," writes Jerome Tennille.

  • Good acknowledgments affirm to the donor that s/he has made a worthwhile investment. They set the stage for ongoing strategic communication about a donor's gift that will deepen his/her connection with your organization. To acheive the donor retention goals of your organization, the Association of Advancement Professionals has provided a guide to implementing best practices for gift acknowledgement.

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