Strategic Communication

  • Individuals on a nonprofit team are likely to cope and react differently to a crisis. For some, a crisis is a challenge to be conquered; they enjoy being tested, working under pressure, and the opportunity to experiment and innovate. For others, a crisis causes panic and decision paralysis; their short attention spans grow shorter and nerves are on edge. This webinar presents five strategies to equip your diverse team to weather an active or future crisis.

  • Telework has been a reality for many nonprofits for quite some time. But until recently, remote workers comprised a small percentage of the workforce. In today’s world, the ability to mobilize a larger remote workforce is a key part of keeping a nonprofit up and running during a crisis. This webinar offers practical tips to inspire and build trust and meaningful connections among teams that are meeting online or by phone.

  • The Successful Nonprofits podcast has a catalog of episodes that focus on a wide range of topics, including managing your board, maximizing use of technology, mitigating risk, nonprofit law, promoting diversity and inclusion, and so on. Each episode is a conversation with one nonprofit expert and the podcast is available for listening on multiple platforms.


  • Is your nonprofit prepared for a natural disaster? Daniel Altenau of North Carolina Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster and Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Raleigh shares key steps nonprofits can take to protect themselves from the next disaster and craft plans to assist survivors following the event. Working through questions to help identify actions during blue sky planning, pre-event preparedness, and post-event response, this webinar will help participants:

  • To Speak or Not to Speak: Should Executive Directors Respond to Social and Politicized Events? 

    By Jada Monica Drew, Social Designs

  • Why Your Nonprofit Needs to Consider Project Management: "developing a resilient system for completion of tasks at your nonprofit is one of the most important foundations to any successful organization." A formalized project management framework can help your organization with success in fundraising events, marketing campaigns, IT upgrades or implementation, office moves, and program research. (TechSoup)

  • Of all the innovative advances in online fundraising over the past decade, one of the most impressive has to be the rise of crowd-funding websites. Let's talk about crowd-funding websites for non-profits: what they are, and how your organization can use them to raise more money quickly and efficiently. (The Fundraising Authority)

  • In Fall 2012, Charity Dynamics and NTEN partnered to develop a first-of-its-kind donor engagement survey, which sought to understand how people prefer to engage with nonprofits across traditional and digital media. The results of the study unequivocally clarify the importance of being a donor's #1 nonprofit of choice: Nonprofits that establish themselves as a donor's favorite charity are more likely to receive greater support from the donor—not just in terms of financial contributions, but also through sharing information, volunteering, event participation, and issue advocacy.

  • Nonprofit organizations can adapt this sample emergency succession plan (CompassPoint) for the process of appointing an acting executive in the event of an unplanned absence. 


  • Research suggests that a skilled interim executive director (ED) helps nonprofits to emerge stronger, more fiscally sound, and with higher levels of optimism.  Learn how an interim ED can lay the groundwork for the next leader's success.

    © North Carolina Center for Nonprofit Organizations, Inc. From Common Ground, a publication of the N.C. Center for Nonprofits,

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