Strategic Communication

  • Nonprofits must be conscious of the ways they represent the populations they serve, being careful to respect the individual or group's agency, empower rather than victimize or exploit, avoid re-traumatization, and think ahead about the way presenting that story to the world will affect the storyteller's life in the future.


    Introduction to Ethical Storytelling

  • Communications Toolkit: A Guide to Navigating Communications for Social Impact - Currently in its 4th edition, this resource covers nearly every topic in communications, whether the purpose of the messing is to raise funds or raise awareness.

  • The Nonprofit Show is a webcast created by the American Nonprofit Academy.

  • 101 Digital Marketing & Fundraising Best Practices for Nonprofits is a blog and webinar series (written and presented by Heather Mansfield) on website design, email marketing, online fundraising, and social media best practices for nonprofits, NGOs, and charities worldwide.

    Website & Email Marketing Best Practices

  • Public Relations for Nonprofits: Everything You Need to Know

    Looking to dive into the world of public relations for your nonprofit?  This blog covers everything you need to know about how to develop a PR strategy, pitch to the media, broaden your reach, and much more.

  • The cornerstone of any organization is its mission statement. From marketing communications to culture, it conveys the organization's aim, direction, or grand intent, and it tells people who you are. This tool is for teams starting a nonprofit organization or reworking their nonprofit mission statement.

  • Nonprofit Fundamentals 101 is a collection of videos assembled by the Greater Toledo Community Foundation. It covers the following topics:


    Board Governance

  • Lisa Hazirjian, Ph.D., Win Together Consulting

    I have a confession to make: I get a little nervous whenever I call a policy maker. OK, more than a little. We’re talking heart racing as I dial, grabbing a sip of water for my dry mouth as I wait for someone to pick up the phone. Yet despite that, when there’s a public policy question on which I want to be heard, I call my elected officials because I’ve seen firsthand what a difference phone calls from constituents can make.

  • Whether for Facebook, Twitter (X), LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok – or whatever other platform rises to popularity next – your nonprofit will need a coordinated strategy to maximize the benefits from the hard work invested in managing your organization's online presence. Below are resources on conducting an audit of your organization's social media platforms and content strategy, why it can benefit your nonprofit organization, and the tools you can use to complete an audit.


    Overviews of Conducting Social Media Audits

  • The Nonprofit Utopia podcast was formerly known as Nonprofit "U", the Nonprofit Utopia podcast is an extension of the ideal community for emerging nonprofit leaders. We use our podcast as an online forum where nonprofit stakeholders can discuss the latest developments in the sector and increase their capacity to serve their clients and build sustainable communities. Valerie F. Leonard, an expert in community and organizational development is the host.

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