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Trends in Healthcare

(July 19, 2023 webinar) Join this discussion for an overview of the current healthcare landscape as it relates to nonprofit employee benefits. We’ll explore various strategies employers are deploying to mitigate cost and risk, and the pros and cons of nontraditional health care options for smaller nonprofits including Qualified Small Employer Health Reimbursement Arrangements (QSEHRA), Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO) plans, Professional Employer Organizations (PEO), and Association Health Plans (AHP).

Understanding the "Family Glitch" Fix

(December 7, 2022 webinar) New IRS regulations address a quirk in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) health insurance marketplace known as the “family glitch” and may provide relief for employees covering family members on group health insurance plans. Specifically, covered family members may be eligible for subsidies under the ACA on individual plans. Join Marsh McLennan Agency to learn about the “family glitch” changes and how they may benefit your family.

Retooling Your Reserves 

(May 17, 2022 webinar) In this session, you will learn about practical tools that have emerged for revising reserve targets, as well as unpack the last decade and current credible frames of thinking regarding how reserves are built, accessed, and invested within your organization.

Building Equity into Your Employee Health Plan Design 

(November 4, 2021 presentation) This revolutionary conversation about how to achieve health equity organizationally identifies more than a dozen strategies forward-thinking leaders can introduce and implement to rethink their employer-sponsored health benefits strategy and plan.