Business Finder

Search and find businesses and consultants who specifically serve nonprofits. Click on the business name to see full details.

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Spanish-speaking staff?
/15 Selected

Forvis Executive Search

With our executive management focus, we excel in finding, recruiting, and placing operational and technical leaders that offer the skills and certification to help your organization maximize processes. Look to us to help you find professionals for:
Member Discount
Spanish Speaking

Developmental Associates

Developmental Associates can help you hire an executive; manage promotion processes; coach employees to be better performers; and, train to enhance effectiveness or build cohesive teams. Philosophies that guide our work:
- We partner with mission-driven clients who serve others.
- We customize our work to fit your organization’s culture and the challenges you face.
- We establish a reputation as valued experts who are fair, credible, and trustworthy.
- We use emotional intelligence concepts and research to drive success.
Developmental Associates
Woman Owned

DISCLAIMER: All advertisements listed on the Business Finder section of this website are paid advertisements submitted by vendors offering services to nonprofit organizations. The North Carolina Center for Nonprofits makes no representation about the accuracy of anv information contained in these advertisements and makes no recommendation or endorsement of any of the vendors or theservices they provide. The purchase or an advertisement or the otter or discounted pricing to