
  • Effective fundraising is the lifeblood of any nonprofit, and it all starts with a compelling message that resonates with your supporters. This presentation goes beyond the basics, focusing on three key elements:

  • The term ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) has shown up in the media a lot lately, but too few people understand what it means or how it relates to their organization.

  • Nonprofits are constantly being assessed by potential funders who are seeking to understand the impact of nonprofits in the communities they are meant to serve. Without knowing how to clearly evaluate and articulate their impact, nonprofits run the risk of inspiring less support for their mission.

  • From the beginning of civilization, storytelling has maintained a uniquely impactful position in defining culture, motivating action and bringing people together. Today’s marketers need to be better storytellers than ever before as more and more stories are told all around us. Join Firespring’s Kiersten Hill as she goes through tips, techniques and tools to help the modern marketer tell better and more impactful stories to activate their audiences around ideas and actions.

    Key Takeaways:

  • In-Kind Donations: The Ultimate Guide for Nonprofits: "This guide will teach you about in-kind contributions, issuing donation receipts, and assessing the impact of in-kind donations on nonprofits." (Araize)

  • Fundraising should be easy, and it should work. But most nonprofit leaders struggle to come up with an effective fundraising strategy. They spend a ton of money on websites that don’t bring in new donors. They need to send fundraising emails, but are not sure where to start. When leads slow down, they’re at a loss for how to get them going again. The secret to solving these problems is an email marketing funnel.

    Participants will learn practical and realistic tips on:

  • As a nonprofit professional, if you're scrambling for a way to communicate your accomplishments to your supporters but instead finding yourself putting out fire after fire, read this. With fewer resources to go around, it's no longer about demonstrating that programs are being accessed by those they aim to support. The pressure has now shifted towards showing that social impact objectives are being met…and because there is not a ‘one size fits all' approach to evaluating impact, it’s a more technical and difficult calculation to navigate.

  • Storytelling is the most powerful tool we have as changemakers. By sharing our authentic personal stories and those of the community we serve (with permission, of course), we can stand out as we stand up for our mission. We attract and inspire an audience that is ready to roll up their sleeves and help us make shifts happen at our nonprofit organization. In this session, we will explore the dynamics of storytelling and create each member of your team’s individual 'elevator pitch' – also known as a verbal business card.

  • Whether you’re applying for funding, pitching a new program initiative, lobbying for a policy solution, or asking for a raise, your success hinges upon your ability to make your case. In this session, you'll get back to the basics of how to get what you need and want for your nonprofit. Using real-world examples shared by participants, we’ll walk through the steps of clarifying your goals and desired outcomes, understanding your audiences, mapping your resources, and choosing the strategy and tactics that make sense for your organization.

  • Have you wondered how current trends may affect your ability to attract funding? This webinar will provide an overview of current trends in philanthropy including:

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