Organizational Development

  • Jeanne C. Tedrow, President & CEO, North Carolina Center for Nonprofits

  • A volunteer handbook, like employee handbooks and training manuals in businesses, seeks to inform, educate, and support volunteers. They can also help protect your volunteers, clients, and organization from unintended harm by establishing rules for appropriate conduct.

  • The cornerstone of any organization is its mission statement. From marketing communications to culture, it conveys the organization's aim, direction, or grand intent, and it tells people who you are. This tool is for teams starting a nonprofit organization or reworking their nonprofit mission statement.

  • Robert’s Rules of Order Cheat Sheet for Nonprofits - This cheat sheet is intended for nonprofit facilitators and board chairs with limited experience who may find it beneficial to have a parliamentary procedure cheat sheet on hand during a meeting.

  • It's through continued effort that policy changes to promote equity are implemented and imbedded into practice. Tracking the progress of equity advocacy is important and does not need to be complex or daunting. Getting Equity Advocacy Results (GEAR) from PolicyLink is a suite of benchmarks, methods, and tools for advocates, organizers, and their allies to track the results of their equity campaigns to:

  • Nonprofit Fundamentals 101 is a collection of videos assembled by the Greater Toledo Community Foundation. It covers the following topics:


    Board Governance

  • Rules of the Game: The Bolder Advocacy Podcast - "Nonprofits are important advocates on issues critical to every community, but sometimes the rules and regulations of advocacy can be barriers to entry. In Rules of the Game, Bolder Advocacy attorneys use real examples to demystify these laws to help 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) nonprofits be bolder advocates, whether holding elected officials accountable, educating candidates, engaging voters, or lobbying for policy change."


  • Systems Thinking Toolkit: Putting Systems Thinking Into Practice in Your Organization - "Systems thinking allows individuals and organizations to understand the complex relationships and contexts surrounding social issues in order to best influence and navigate the system. We have identified several tools that are helpful in this practice, whether you are looking to understand an issue and its system, create a plan for action, or learn and refine as you go.

  • Jeanne C. Tedrow, President & CEO, North Carolina Center for Nonprofits

  • Before two nonprofits in conversation about joining forces proceed with the legal aspects of merging two legal entities, they may wish to formally assess the nature of the relationship via Meeting your match: How to identify, assess, and engage a potential merger partner by LaPiana Consulting.

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