Resource Library

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Customizing Direct Mail Appeals 

(May 22, 2024 webinar) This workshop offers simple strategies and best practices for engaging recipients of direct mail to open doors and generate support. By focusing on impact, the value of a dollar, and follow-up reporting, you will be able to connect with a donor, emotionally, mentally, and intellectually.

Direct Mail Appeals 101 

(May 15, 2024 webinar) Do you feel like your current donors are getting “burned out?” Are you ready to expand your support base through direct mail campaigns? If you answered “yes” to either of the questions above, join Funding for Good for the dos and don’ts of direct mail campaigns.

Empowering Nonprofits: Leveraging AI for Greater Impact 

(December 12, 2023 webinar) In today's rapidly advancing digital age, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping industries, and the nonprofit sector is no exception. Whether you're new to AI or looking to optimize its application, this session offers insights into how nonprofits can harness this technology to further their cause, optimize resources, and foster meaningful connections.

Strategic Fundraising Design 

(December 7, 2023 webinar) Effective fundraising is the lifeblood of any nonprofit, and it all starts with a compelling message that resonates with your supporters. This presentation goes beyond the basics, focusing on three key elements.

Making Your Nonprofit’s Case with Storytelling 

(August 30, 2022 webinar) Storytelling is the most powerful tool we have as changemakers. By sharing our authentic personal stories and those of the community we serve (with permission, of course), we can stand out as we stand up for our mission. We attract and inspire an audience that is ready to roll up their sleeves and help us make shifts happen at our nonprofit organization. In this session, we will explore the dynamics of storytelling and create each member of your team’s individual 'elevator pitch' – also known as a verbal business card.

Making Your Nonprofit’s Case: Back to Basics 

(August 16, 2022) Whether you’re applying for funding, pitching a new program initiative, lobbying for a policy solution, or asking for a raise, your success hinges upon your ability to make your case. In this session, you'll get back to the basics of how to get what you need and want for your nonprofit. Using real-world examples shared by participants, we’ll walk through the steps of clarifying your goals and desired outcomes, understanding your audiences, mapping your resources, and choosing the strategy and tactics that make sense for your organization. This session will equip you with the basic strategic framework to make your strongest case to any audience.

Trends in Philanthropy 

(June 29, 2022 webinar) Have you wondered how current trends may affect your ability to attract funding? This webinar will provide an overview of current trends in philanthropy.

Capital Campaign Readiness: Can You Answer These 6 Questions? 

(March 9, 2022 webinar) Considering a capital campaign? Where do you start? Start by asking and answering six vital questions designed to prepare your nonprofit to enter the process. Designed for executive directors, development leaders and board members, this session will allow you to consider the questions for your own organization while exploring real-world examples from professionals with more than 18 years of capital campaign fundraising experience.