
  • Jeanne Tedrow, President & CEO, North Carolina Center for Nonprofits

  • Nonprofit Strategic Technology Planning Guide offers a step-by-step approach to designing a long-term technology plan for your nonprofit. It identifies specific meetings you would need to have with your technology steering committee and other stakeholders in each phase, deliverables to achieve at each step of the strategic planning process, and tools for needs such as calculating Total Cost of Ownership.

  • Smart nonprofits take risks—many risks—every day. Such organizations are creative, inventive, and continue to succeed despite the changing environment. These organizations know that success demands risk-taking, and they create an organizational culture that regularly assesses risk, favors intelligent risks, and mitigates the impact of known risks. (First Nonprofit Group)

    Risk Management: Your Role as a Board Member

  • Succession planning can be a touchy subject. Members of a nonprofit board may fear the risk of insulting a CEO by suggesting the topic as an agenda item. Some CEOs may feel disinclined to raise the subject because it could send mixed signals about their intent to remain with the nonprofit.

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