Executive Leadership Cohort: Creating an Anti-Racist Community with Purpose, Intent & Impact

There are many inequities present in our nonprofit organizations and the nonprofit sector. The Executive Leadership Cohort: Creating an Anti-Racist Community with Purpose, Intent & Impact is designed to help build a group of leaders focused on anti-racist accountability and action.

We will embark on a journey of deeper understanding of the ways in which whiteness perpetuates in the operations and management practices of our nonprofit organizations. This experience will be grounded in trust through relationship building and shared exploration of tools and accountability mechanisms to dismantle oppressive systems within our circles of influence. Bring your full selves, successes, and challenges to optimize the true value of learning from one another.

Session Topics:

  • Cohort Building and Shared Definitions
  • Identifying Microaggressions and Dysfunctional Systems and Relationships
  • Building Authentic Relationships in Everyday Life
  • Becoming An Anti-Racist Change Agent
  • Reflections and Applications

This cohort is for you if:

  • You have previously participated in some type of diversity, inclusion, and equity training.
  • You have begun your own personal work around anti-racism.
  • You are seeking applicable ways to activate your power and influence to implement change in your organization and community.
  • You serve as a nonprofit staff or board member.
  • You did not participate in the Center's 2023 equity cohort.

You should know:

  • The opening and closing sessions will be in-person; all other sessions are virtual.
  • Inclement Weather Dates for in-person sessions: February 28 & April 3.
  • Enrollment is limited to 25 individuals.

Special thanks to Google whose sponsorship allows affordable registration for the Executive Leadership Cohort.


If interested in joining our waitlist, please email rbeck@ncnonprofits.org to add your name.

Center-Hosted Event
Intergenerational Center for Arts & Wellness
114 W 30th Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27105
Early Bird Rate (through January 15): Members, $75; Non-Members, $95

Regular Rate (through February 10): Members, $100; Non-Members, $120