Request to Present a Learning Opportunity

The North Carolina Center for Nonprofits serves nonprofits through a variety of learning opportunities such as community events, presentations, workshops, and webinars. The Center presents high quality, relevant educational content that provides information and tools to build the organizational capacities of staff, board members, and volunteers who work with 501(c)(3) nonprofits.

The Center welcomes proposals from practitioners who are content experts, experienced in educating adult learners, and who wish to build, improve, and advance the sector by providing training for the Center's extensive and diverse audience of nonprofits.


Selection Criteria

The Center uses its Principles & Practices for Nonprofit Excellence with twelve core nonprofit management units as a guide for its nonprofit training programs. The Center places a high value on practitioners who offer and provide content and programs that complement, reinforce and align with the Center's mission, vision, values and equity statement


Proposal Process

Submit a proposal online. Include a title, brief description of the program, program length, 3-4 learning objectives, planned interactive activities, materials or resources provided, and references. Selection of programs will be made by the Center's staff within one month, except for requests to present at the Center's statewide conference which follow a separate RFP process. Please plan for a minimum of eight weeks of lead-time before the date of proposed event. Practitioners are responsible for developing the curriculum and promotional language, which is subject to editing by Center staff.

Submitting a proposal does not guarantee approval by the Center.


Remuneration, Marketing, and Branding

Practitioners are asked to provide educational events pro bono. Practitioners benefit by gaining access to the Center's network of nonprofits across the state. If this is a significant barrier, please contact Lisa Reid, Chief Learning Officer.

The Center does not partner on events with a primary purpose of marketing a product or service. The marketing component of educational events must come secondary to the educational purpose and comprise 4% or less of the total presentation time (e.g., no more than 2 minutes out of a 60-minute webinar).

Practitioners will receive the list of participants' names, titles, and organizations. Center staff will send one follow-up email to registrants. Further communications are allowed if the group opts-in to ongoing contact from practitioners. The Center is pleased to co-brand the training and event marketing materials with your firm or organization if you are selected to provide an educational offering. We ask that you help to widely promote the co-branded event.


Terms and Conditions

Fees: The Center typically charges modest fees for participants in its workshops and webinars, with reduced rates for members of the Center. The Center sometimes provides discounts and complimentary registrations for events when fees are a barrier to participation. Still, most educational events result in a financial loss for the Center, which is why practitioners' pro bono support and contributed revenue is so important and valued by the Center and nonprofits.

Intellectual property: The Center typically owns the copyright in any recordings of webinars, workshops, or events. Practitioners may retain copyright ownership in any original materials they prepare as part of the learning opportunity, so long as they provide the Center with a license to share these materials with event participants and others. The Center requires that all practitioners ensure that they have the right to use any copyrighted material that is included in their workshops or webinars.

Resources: The Center places a high value on providing training event participants with tangible resources for later referral and reflection in their practice. The Center may use presented materials and resources outside of the presentation for which they were offered. The practitioner agrees to allow their materials to be sent out either as attachments or shared on the Center's website.

Webinar recordings: The Center usually records all webinars and holds the rights to share them with nonprofits in the future. Practitioners, likewise, may have the recording and may use it for their purposes, e.g., marketing, blog posts, etc.


Please contact Lisa Reid, Chief Learning Officer, with questions. Thank you very much for offering to share your expertise to strengthen and support North Carolina's nonprofits.