2024 Election Tip of the Week: Make Sure You are Still Registered to Vote

Date Posted: 10/10/2024
Last Updated: 10/10/2024

The NC State Board of Elections recently announced that it has removed nearly 750,000 voters from the state’s rolls over the past 20 months. Most of these North Carolinians have had their voter registration removed because: (a) they moved to a different county or out of state; or (b) they have not voted in the past two federal elections (in 2020 and 2022) and didn’t respond to mailings from their county board of elections to confirm their eligibility to vote.

With so many North Carolinians having become ineligible voters because they moved or haven’t voted recently, your nonprofit may want to encourage your staff, volunteers, and clients to check their voter registration to make sure they are still registered to vote at their current address. You can do this by going to the North Carolina State Board of Elections voter search page. Simply enter your name, click on “search”, and click on the option for the one that looks like you based on the full name, county, and ZIP Code. Once you are there, check to make sure that you are listed as an active voter and that the address matches your current home address.

If your status is inactive or you no longer live at the address where you are currently registered to vote, it’s not too late to register to vote in this fall’s election. You have two options:

1.    If you are planning to vote on Election Day, you’ll need to submit a new voter registration form with your current address to your county board of elections by next Friday, October 11.
2.    If you are not an active voter or you have moved within the same county, you can also (re)register to vote or update your registration with your new address during Early Voting between October 17 and November 2.