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Diversity, Inclusion and Equity Toolkit 

The Nonprofit Diversity, Inclusion and Equity Assessment is designed to help nonprofit organizations assess their capacity and progress in demonstrating best practices in diversity, inclusion and equity. The underlying assumption of this assessment is that all organizations will move back and forth along a continuum of best practices. The framework and the descriptions in the grid were developed based on the input of nonprofit experts and practitioners, literature regarding best practices, and the collective experience of the framing partners
lifecycle and journey towards building and sustaining a diverse, inclusive and equitable
organization. Furthermore, the results of the exercise should be interpreted in the context of the
organization’s stage of development, level of capacity, geographic region, mission area, and

Expert Help: Find It and Use It 

Nonprofits attract bright, dedicated, and capable staff and volunteers. And many have the "Midas touch" for recruiting dynamic, well-respected, and effective board members. Despite all that resident talent, every organization needs outside help sometimes. What experts do you need and how do you find them?

Skills and Experience Inventory 

This skills and experience inventory can be adapted to fit your nonprofit’s needs in assessing the skills of your staff, designating duties and responsibilities, and planning professional development training.

Reserve Funds Create Financial Nest Egg 

Like families, organizations need financial nest eggs for different purposes. One of the main purposes is an operating reserve — sometimes called an operating contingency fund. They are a first line of defense against financial uncertainties ranging from uneven cash flow to cutbacks from major funders.