
  • Staff at many levels support volunteer committees.  Read these tips to learn how to "lead from below."

    © North Carolina Center for Nonprofit Organizations, Inc. From Common Ground, a publication of the N.C. Center for Nonprofits,


  • Making high quality, affordable management assistance available and easily accessible for all nonprofits is and has always been the "core business" of Nonprofit Management Solutions. Management assistance in the form of consulting, training, board and staff leadership development, coaching and mentoring -- all represent leveraged investments, because they have the potential to build an organization's long-term capacity to carry out its mission.

  • Critical to succession planning and organizational resilience are systems that support skills development for board and staff. Presented here are the elements of a robust talent development culture. (CompassPoint)


  • When questions about a nonprofit leader’s exceptionally high salary make the front page of the paper, we wince. A single nonprofit is being criticized for being an outlier, but it feels as if all charitable nonprofits and their values are being questioned.

  • Worker's compensation in mandated by each state and covers expenses an employer is required to pay for injuries or illness an employee suffers at work. Under requirements by the North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Act, any incorporated nonprofit with three or more employees and/or corporate officers (includes officers on nonprofit boards, even though they are unpaid, and subcontractors without their own coverage) is required to provide workers' compensation coverage.

  • This Common Ground article includes short-term and long-term strategies to help your organization deal with a board member who is not contributing to the well-being of the board and the organization (also available in Spanish).

    Additionally, you may wish to review:

  • How can nonprofit boards unite their diverse personal views on complex policy issues and arrive at strong organizational positions?

  • One of the most important responsibilities of a nonprofit board is fiscal oversight. Yet many board members remain unclear about what exactly that means. Nonprofit Risk Management Center's webinar, Fiscal Oversight, Risk and the Nonprofit Board, explores the board’s role in providing fiscal oversight and risk oversight. Learn how to inspire your board to strengthen its governance practices.

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